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Öst- och Centraleuropakunskap - Masterprogram

Program 120 högskolepoäng · 2 år · Masterexamen


Join our master programme in East and Central European Studies and take part of a fascinating journey into the heart of a historically and culturally rich region. From its early modern history through the transformative events of the Cold War era to contemporary political shifts, the knowledge gained is not only academically enriching but also highly relevant in today's interconnected but also increasingly conflict-ridden world. Beyond offering a nuanced understanding of the area's diverse political, cultural and social dynamics, our programme equips you with invaluable insights into the geopolitical landscape as well as offer training in communication and project management skills.

The Master's programme in Eastern and Central European is a top-level education that opens up a career in governmental administration, business, military, mass media, but also prepares for further education at the postgraduate level. Here, historical, political and cultural scientific perspectives are amalgamated in the study of the regions of Eastern and Central Europe.

The programme is taught by qualified lecturers with exemplary research and teaching records, and you will have the opportunity to meet distinguished guest speakers from both academia and the private and public sphere by participating in our research seminars. You will also get to develop practical skills through a project management course and the possibility of doing a semester of work placement.

As a student on this programme, you will learn to:

  • independently distinguish, formulate and investigate different themes and problems of relevance in Eastern and Central Europe;
  • critically review and compile sources in at least one Eastern and Central European language,
  • apply subject-relevant knowledge of science theory and methodology, with emphasis on aspects that are central to studies of Eastern and Central Europe;
  • use in-depth knowledge of complex cultural, political and historical problems of particular relevance for Eastern and Central Europe to analyse different kind of situations and make informative assessments about them;
  • develop project management and communication skills.

Programme structure

During the first semester you are introduced to the transdisciplinary field of East and Central European Studies through an introduction course about the historical, political and cultural development in East and Central Europe, with a focus on the formation of democracy and civil society, as well as the problems associated with this process, in the 20th and 21st centuries. This is followed by a thematic specialisation course on how the historical interactions between Russia and Eastern Europe during the 20th century inform current processes of identity building.

The second semester begins with a course on the various theories and methods that underpin a humanities approach to East and Central European Studies. Followed by a more practical course on project management. During the third semester, you have the possibility to further deepen these practical skills by doing an internship.

During the fourth and final semester, you get to complete an independent research project. You'll be responsible for formulating your own research problem, selecting an appropriate method, gathering and analysing theoretical and empirical material, and presenting your results in the form of a thesis. Although you'll work independently, you'll receive guidance and feedback from a department-appointed supervisor throughout the research process.

Career prospects

Knowledge and competence in central and eastern European societies, languages and cultures is relatively scarce in Western Europe. But political and economic trends indicate that it is a competence that will grow in demand, both among different levels of governmental bodies (from UN and EU to local government) and NGOs as well as among private businesses who want to reach out to the growing markets in these regions.

Not least is demand for this kind of education high in the Øresund region. Organizations such as UN City Copenhagen, Folke Bernadotte Academy, Oxfam Sweden, Individual Human Aid, Kultur Skåne, the Danish Cultural Institute and the Swedish Institute all have a constant need for employees with a good ability to produce information material, lead projects and provide competent socio-political analysis on issues relating to these regions. The programme also provides an excellent basis for PhD studies.

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Robert Ekdahl

Telefon: +46 46 222 74 05

E-post: robert [dot] ekdahl [at] sol [dot] lu [dot] se

Mer information

Behörighet & urval


För tillträde till programmet krävs kandidatexamen (Bachelor of Arts eller motsvarande) i humaniora eller samhällsvetenskap eller motsvarande. I examen på grundnivå ska ett självständigt skriftligt arbete motsvarande kandidatuppsats ingå.

Därutöver krävs uppvisade kunskaper i engelska motsvarande Engelska 6 samt dokumenterade språkkunskaper motsvarande antingen 60 hp på högskolenivå eller modersmål i något av följande språk: albanska, bosniska, bulgariska, estniska, jiddisch, kroatiska, lettiska, litauiska, makedonska, moldaviska, montenegrinska, nygrekiska, polska, rumänska, ryska, serbiska, slovakiska, slovenska, tjeckiska, ukrainska, ungerska eller vitryska (belarusiska).


Urval baseras på akademiska meriter (betyg från kurser med ämnesinnehåll av särskild relevans för utbildningen, i synnerhet inriktning på examensarbetet), två rekommendationsbrev samt ett motivationsbrev som förklarar varför den sökande är lämplig till programmet och vad han/hon förväntar sig av detta. Därutöver är erfarenhet av arbete, studier och praktik i Öst- och Centraleuropa meriterande.

Anmälan & antagning

Start Höstterminen 2024

Dagtid Lund, heltid 100%

På engelska


2 september 2024 - 7 juni 2026


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Anmälnings- och studieavgifter för medborgare utanför EU/EES

Avgifterna gäller alltså inte dig som är medborgare i Sverige, något annat EU- eller ESS-land eller Schweiz. Läs vidare på https://antagning.se/sv/studier-pa-hogskoleniva/anmalnings--och-studieavgifter/

Anmälningsavgiften är 900 kronor. Studieavgiften för Öst- och Centraleuropakunskap - Masterprogram är 250 000 SEK.